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Construction Zone - Tips & Tricks
Classic building meets high-tech fun!

Go beyond the basic Rokenbok setups! You can build amazing things with your Rokenbok building materials. You'll find a wide range of new ideas here. Although you won't find part counts or step-by-step building guides, you will find this section jammed packed with great ideas that you can use with any Rokenbok layout. It doesn't matter how big or small your Rokenbok system is, everyone will get an idea or two from this site.

The Warehouse
Suspension Bridge
High Wire Poles
Covered Bridge
Perpetual Motion
Obstacle Course

The Warehouse

The Warehouse

The Warehouse

This Warehouse is designed to work with your TransGripper. Notice the pallet shelving (photo 2). Use your TransGripper to lift and store bin boxes, extra building pieces, barrels and more. The floating office in the center (photo 4) gives Mr. Rokenbok a place to direct the flow of materials throughout the Warehouse.

Suspension Bridge

Suspension Bridge

It's absolutely astounding what can be built with Rokenbok. Here's an example of a Suspension Bridge that is so huge it can practically span the San Francisco Bay (okay, you might need a few more pieces!). With the exception of some old rope that was hanging around, only Rokenbok building pieces were used in the construction. In order to build this bridge, you'll need quite a few Rokenbok parts. Unfortunately, we can't tell you how many because we just can't bring ourselves to tear it down and count the parts!

You can try building your own smaller Suspension Bridge at home. Notice how the red girders allow you to span distances without having supporting vertical beams. The red corner Braces also add the stability you'll need when building bridges.

High Wire Poles

High Wire Poles

Get Command Deck & Control Pad wires out of your play space. Build your own high wire poles using beams blocks, girders and corner braces.

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Covered Bridge

Covered Bridges

The Covered Bridge is a great addition to any Rokenbok World, and it's quite easy to make. To create the roof, run a center beam down the entire length of the bridge (photo 3). The purple half deck plates rest at an angle on this beam to form a quick and easy roof. Remember to use your red girders and corner braces for support.

Perpetual Motion

Perpetual Motion

Here's an idea that will keep your Conveyor running until you turn it off. Set up your Conveyor to deliver the Rokenbok balls right back up to the chute that dropped them down to the conveyor in the first place. The balls will drop down through the chutes only to be delivered back up to the top (That's how it got its name "Perpetual Motion").

"The Randomizer"

Perpetual Motion   Perpetual Motion

For a real slick trick, try the "Randomizer" (Pictures 1 & 2). This will keep your Conveyor from running endlessly. You'll also learn a few great design ideas in the process of learning to build a "Randomizer" including:

  • How to build new chutes out of Lego® bricks and a deck pad;
  • How to use a Hopper with multiple chutes as a Randomizer;
  • How to build "Floating Chutes".
  • Perpetual Motion   Perpetual Motion

    Picture 3 shows the first Conveyor. This Conveyor drops balls onto a deck plate, but notice that the beam in the back of the deck plate is 1 section (hole) higher than the front beam. This allows the balls to roll down the deck plate toward the second Conveyor. Use Lego® bricks on 3 sides of the deck plate to channel your Rokenbok balls into Conveyor #2.

    The second Conveyor uses the same concept. An angled deck plate with Lego® bricks on 3 sides directs the flow of Rokenbok balls into a Hopper (Picture 4).

    Perpetual Motion   Perpetual Motion

    Using a Hopper as a Randomizer is the real slick part! Take a look at Picture 5 closely. You'll notice that the Hopper has chutes coming off both sides. Because the Hopper floor floats freely (Picture 6), about half the balls will fall down the chutes on the right and the other half down chutes on the left in a random pattern. The chute on the left leads directly back to the first Conveyor. The chute on the right leads down to the Quarry. Balls that fall to the right will end up in the Quarry and will no longer be in play. Balls that fall to the left will go to the first Conveyor, which will bring them back up to Conveyor #2 to start the process again.

    Perpetual Motion   Perpetual Motion

    Check out the "Floating Chute" to the right of the Hopper (the chute that leads back to the Quarry) (Pictures 7 and 8)). Take a close look at Picture 7, and you'll notice that the blue half beam with 2 red blocks is only attached to the upper and lower parts of the chute run. It doesn't attach to the rest of the structure, hence the name "Floating Chute."

    Picture 8 shows the start of the "Floating Chute" and the initial support needed to build it. Add a red 'L' Shaped Brace for support. Also, add upside down curved chutes to make a tunnel. This keeps the fast moving balls from flying off in the corner.

    Obstacle Course

    Think you've mastered your Rokenbok vehicles? Take the ultimate challenge with this Dozer Obstacle Course.

    Obstacle Course

    This Obstacle Course is designed specially for the Dozer, which is the most mobile of all the Rokenbok vehicles. There are 2 ways up and 2 ways down to test your skills.

    Obstacle Course   Obstacle Course

    Entrance Ramp #1 - the Beam Ramp: This is a step up ramp leading to the "Ball Pit." Above (Picture 3) is a close-up construction shot to give you an idea of how to build this ramp. Notice the purple Corbel spacers that add stability.

    Obstacle Course   Obstacle Course

    The Ball Pit: Try and find your way across the "Ball Pit." This is a definite skill tester! Check out Picture 5 closely to see how to build the dropped floor. Make sure you use the bigger blue Rokenbok balls for the "Ball Pit." The red balls will slip out the sides.

    Obstacle Course   Obstacle Course

    Entrance Ramp #2 - The Incline: You'll have to maneuver up this ramp. It's over 2 times steeper than the normal ramps! Notice in the close up shot, (Picture 7), that the incline ramp starts 3 blocks in from the mini ramp. You'll need to use a Beam and purple Corbels as spacers to set this up.

    Obstacle Course   Obstacle Course

    Exit #1 - The Balance Beam: You're going to need excellent driving skills to maneuver through this obstacle. Zigzag your way through the Balance Beam and exit down the stair step.

    Obstacle Course   Obstacle Course

    Exit # 2 - The Gully: Attempt this only if you're a truly skilled Rokenboker! You'll need to position your Dozer just right to make it through The Gully. Notice the blue 1"x 2" wall sections set up as obstacles in your path. Use your Dozer skills to clear a pathway. Good Luck!



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